International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Volume 11, No. 4. IEJEE

We are proud of presenting Volume 11, issue 4 of International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) for our readers. As the Editor-in-Chief of IEJEE, I always look for reading the submitted papers and the accepted version of the papers before publication.

I am always amazed by the informative tittles, but this time I decided to take a look at the key words mentioned in all the fourteen papers. I would like to share the key words with you: 

Reading Fluency, Learning Problems, Single-Case Study, Reading Racetracks, Primary School, Social Studies, Spatial Perception Ability, Google Earth, Mixed Method, Vocabulary Acquisition, Vocabulary Instruction, Pleasure Reading, Efficiency, Intercultural Education, Ethnocentrism, Teacher Training, Visual...

Published: March 24, 2019