International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Varying Opportunities to Respond to Improve Behavior of Elementary Students with Developmental Disabilities

How to Cite

Bolt, T. D., Hansen, B. D., Caldarella, P., Young, K. R., Williams, L., & Wills, H. P. (2019). Varying Opportunities to Respond to Improve Behavior of Elementary Students with Developmental Disabilities. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 11(4), 327–334. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Teresa D. Bolt

Teresa D. Bolt, M.S., is a graduate of the Special Education Masters Degree program at Brigham Young University. She has many years of experience as an elementary school special education teacher. This study was conducted as part of her masters' thesis. 

Blake D. Hansen

Blake D. Hansen, Ph.D., is an Associate Professor in the Department of Counseling Psychology and Special Education at Brigham Young University. He works in the undergraduate and graduate programs in special education and behavior analysis and conducts research on classroom interventions for children with behavioral challenges
and developmental disabilities.

Paul Caldarella

Paul Caldarella, Ph.D., is Director of the Positive Behavior Support Initiative and a Professor of Counseling and Special Education at Brigham Young University. His research interests include tiered systems of support with an emphasis on prevention, assessment, and interventions for students at-risk for emotional and behavioral disorders.

K. Richard Young

K. Richard Young, Ph.D. is an emeritus professor and former dean of the David O. McKay School of Education at Brigham Young University. He has a degree in special education and has conducted research in the areas of applied behavior analysis and school-based interventions for students with emotional and behavioral disorders.

Leslie Williams

Leslie Williams, EdS, is a CW-FIT Researcher at Brigham Young University. She trains teachers on the intervention, assists with collecting and analyzing the data, and the dissemination of research in this area.

Howard P. Wills

Howard P. Wills, Ph.D., is an Associate Research Professor at The University of Kansas, Juniper Gardens Children’s Project, and holds Courtesy appointments in the Departments of Applied Behavioral Science and School Psychology. Dr. Wills has experience in areas of self-management and multi-tiered supports for which he has received extensive funding from the Department of Education.