How to Submit?
As an international, multi-disciplinary, peer-reviewed, open-access journal, IEJEE provides a platform for the publication of scientific research in all areas of education on elementary grades. IEJEE is a multidisciplinary journal, committed to no single approach, discipline, methodology or paradigm. It is concerned with elementary education in general and devoted to all concerned with elementary education. IEJEE welcomes original empirical investigations. The papers may represent a variety of theoretical perspectives and different methodological approaches. The major criteria in the review and the selection process concern the significance of the contribution to the area of elementary education.
Articles submitted to IEJEE must be in accordance with the purpose and scope of the journal. Therefore, it is recommended that researchers review both the journal's purpose/scope title and the published articles in the latest issues of IEJEE before submitting their papers to help them determine the quality of their work.
Researchers who will submit articles to IEJEE are expected/required to submit them electronically using the open journal system (OJS). OJS will guide authors step-by-step through the submission process. IEJEE will not consider articles submitted through any other ways.
Before to Submit
Please review the policy texts of our journal before submitting an article to IEJEE. By reading the policy texts, you will be able to learn about the issues to be considered in the evaluation and publication process.
Read moreDuring the Submission
Authors who will submit articles to IEJEE must be registered with the article tracking system.Authors can register for article tracking system by cliking this link. After the registration, authors can log in to the author dashboard by going to the login page.
Read moreAfter the Submission
After you upload your article to IEJEE, you can follow all the review and publication processes through article tracking system. When a request or message is sent to you by the editors about your article, it will be sent to the e-mail address you registered in the article tracking system.
Read morePlease review the policy texts of our journal before submitting an article to IEJEE. By reading the policy texts, you will be able to learn about the issues to be considered in the evaluation and publication process, the problems that may be encountered and the actions to solve, the information about open access publishing, and your rights as an author.
After reading the policy texts, please review your article in terms of content and language, and make the final proofreading. Then, subject your article text to similarity analysis through various similarity software (iThenticate, etc.). Please do not forget that you will share your similarity report with our editors at the submission stage. For this reason, we recommend that you keep your similarity report on your computer.
As stated in our Peer Review Policy page, IEJEE uses the double-blind review technique in the peer review process. Therefore, do not forget to anonymize your article text for peer review. You can share the requested information about your article (author, institution, e-mail, ORCID information, etc.) with our editors by preparing a title page. You can find an example by clicking this link to assist you in preparing the title page. Please make sure that you fully share all the information about your article and authors (name, surname, institution, e-mail, ORCID information) on the title page.
The articles to be sent to IEJEE must be prepared in accordance with the APA 7th format. Please follow the APA 7th rules while editing your article in terms of form and content. For detailed information about APA 7th, please visit this link.
There is no special word limit for articles to be submitted to IEJEE. However, authors who will submit articles exceeding 12,000 words must contact the editor-in-chief and obtain approval to initiate the review process.
IEJEE evaluates the submitted articles in terms of scientific content regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, ethnicity or political views of the authors, and expects the same sensitivity from the authors submitting an article. For this reason, the authors should not use any expressions implying that an individual is superior to others on the basis of beliefs, race, sexual orientation, ethnic origin, culture, disability or health status, political views, but should use an inclusive language from the beginning to the end. In this regard, we recommend you review your article taking all these into account.
Authors who will submit articles to IEJEE must be registered with the article tracking system.Authors can register for article tracking system by cliking this link. After the registration, authors can log in to the author dashboard by going to the login page. After logging into the system, click on the New Submission tab on the appearing screen (Figure 1). In the next step, confirm that you meet the requirements for submitting your article and please write your notes, if any, that you want to share with the editor in the “Comments for the Editor” box (Figure 2). Then, confirming that your data will be recorded and protected within the framework of the personal data protection and privacy policy, proceed to the submission page.

Figure 1. New Submission

Figure 2. Submisson Requirements
Upload your article's anonymized version, title page, and other documents/information about your research if you want or it is requested (Figure 3). When you finish uploading the documents, your screen will be as shown in Figure 4. If you want to upload additional documents/information, you can click on the "Upload File" tab.

Figure 3. Upload Submisson File

Figure 4. Submission Files
In the next step, you will be asked for the information about your article's metadata (such as title, abstract, list of contributors, keywords, referencing, etc.). Please enter this information completely into the OJS system. It is especially important that the name, surname, institution, e-mail and ORCID of the authors and the title, abstract, keywords and references of the article are entered completely (Figure 5, Figure 6 and Figure 7).

Figure 5. Submission Metadata

Figure 6. Submission Metadata

Figure 7. Submission Metadata
After you enter the metadata for your article, you will be directed to the final step to complete the submission process (Figure 8). Before you finish it, you can go back and review all components. If you are sure that you have entered all the details about it, you can complete your submission.

Figure 8. Confirmation
In addition, please pay attention to the following points when uploading your article to the Open Journal System;
- Your article text should be written using a word processing software and your article file should be in .doc or .docx format.
- Your article text should be double-spaced and written in 12 points. For detailed information, you can refer to the APA 7th page.
- Make sure that you write the keywords both in the text of the article and in the OJS system.
- Make sure that all figures and tables are prepared correctly and in accordance with the APA 7th format and are included in the text.
- Check that additional files (if necessary) are uploaded to OJS.
- Make sure that you share with the editors the changes made in the revised articles and your responses to the comments of the reviewers as separate files.
- Check whether spelling and grammar of your article text are edited.
- Make sure that you prepare/anonymize your article for double-blind review. Do not forget to share the personal information of the authors (institution, e-mail, ORCID, etc.) on your title page.
- Check whether you refer to all the sources written in the reference list in the text.
- Be sure to list your references in accordance with the APA 7th format and share their full information.
After you upload your article to IEJEE, you can follow all the review and publication processes through OJS. When a request or message is sent to you by the editors about your article, it will be sent to the e-mail address you registered in the open journal system. However, you must use the open journal system to respond to this request/message. For this reason, we recommend you save your username/mail and password that you registered with OJS.
After your article is reviewed by the editor and the reviewers, you may be requested to revise it. Pay attention to make the revisions requested by the editors within the time allocated. You can share your questions or comments about the requested revisions with the editors through OJS.
After the completion of the review process of your article, if it is decided that your text needs language editing, it is obligatory that you get service from a professional editing & proofreading company. For detailed information on this issue, you can check IEJEE's Proofreading & Editing Policy page.