March 22, 2019
| Pages: 383-391 | Views: 339
This study aimed to investigate the effect of conceptual change texts on the conceptual understanding of local government concepts pertinent to the “power, management and society” learning field, as well as the “People and Administration” unit on the fourth-grade social studies course. In the study, a semi-experimental design with pre-/post-test control groups was adopted and samples were obtained from easily accessible samples from non-probability sampling types. The sample consisted of 34 students. As a means of collecting data, a two-stage conceptual understanding test was employed for the level of conceptual understanding, as developed by the researcher. In the analysis of data, dependent group/independent groups’ t-test and covariance analysis were employed. It was found that the achievement scores of the last test made after the experimental process, based on the conceptual change texts, yielded a significant difference in favour of the experimental group. As a result of the research, in comparison with the activities carried out according to the current curriculum, it is possible to say that the conceptual change texts make a positive contribution to the level of the conceptual understanding of the students.
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Burcu Sel
Ministry of Education (TURKEY)
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