March 23, 2019
| Pages: 421-427 | Views: 2969
With the developing technology, acceleration of visual production and increasing of peoples’ relation with generated visuals (painting, photograph, video, computer games, poster, etc.), is a situation which affect perceptual and behavioral characteristic of people. As a result of connection with generated visuals, changes at the perception and behavior of people remind social learning and visual culture terms which have relation with seeing and visuality fields. Relation between the social learning theory, which states that learning occurs through observation in social environment, and visual culture subject is a mystery. Due to this reason, the research aims to investigate relation between social learning and visual culture. Theoretical structures of the social learning and visual culture terms were pointed out in this research, and relation between these two terms were argued at theoretic level. In consequence of this research, it was seen that experiences, people obtain from connection with visual culture forms in their daily life, and social learning have connections. It was realized that visual culture forms supply vicarious livings to the observers prone to observe and imitate of behaviors that have model characteristic. It was seen that the livings, acquired observational learning from visual culture forms, is a shaping factor for individuals’ attitudes and actions. In the study, it was seen that examining the visual culture as an environmental factor in the context of social learning will help to understand and illuminate the changing, transforming and deriving aspects of human behavior in the 21st century.
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social learning, visual culture, observational learning
Meliha Yılmaz
Gazi University
Ece Nur Demir Yılmaz
Aksaray University
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