International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Volume 8, No. 2. IEJEE Special Issue Contemporary Irish Education

Dear IEJEE Reader,
We are very proud of being able to present this special issue of International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education. It’s devoted to Contemporary Irish Education.
As special issue editors, Professor Kathy HALL and Dr. Mary HORGAN did a great job. They invited ten scholars to address several important issues in contemporary Irish Education.
Their contributions in this special issue will make it easy for international scholars to get reliable information and scholarly presented perspectives on contemporary Irish Education.
I want to express my deep gratitude to Professor Kathy HALL and Dr. Mary HORGAN for their collaboration and contribution. I also want to thank all the authors for their papers. I knew that I would learn more about the Irish Education, but having done it through their informative papers gave me a special feeling and pleasure. I hope all the readers of this special issue will have a similar experience.

Published: December 15, 2015