International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Volume 8, No. 3. IEJEE

Dear IEJEE Reader,
International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education is bringing you a comprehensive issue which covers many important topics in the field of elementary education. Dr. Berat Ahi addresses and discusses the mental models in preschool children’s conceptualization. Researchers from Finland highlight how supervision supports inclusive teaching practices of the professional teachers. Three other researchers study and capture the primary school teachers’ experiences with and opinions on constructive classroom managements. Dr. Theresa A. Coogan decribes and discusses the role of supportive school counselling for the establishment of a middle school career development program in Belize.
Two other researchers investigate the locus of control and personality traits of preschool teachers related their level of self-directed learning readiness.
The next paper investigates another important challenge in our time: the sensitivity of Students to the Natural Environment, Animals, Social Problems and Cultural Heritage.
Another paper which addresses environmental consciousness is written by Dr. Laurie James of Western Washington University, United States. Dr. Laurie’s research is very concreate, practical oriented and demonstrated how the schools can make substantial gains with regard to minimizing waste in a school setting by reducing, reusing, recycling, and composting waste products by small but conscious strategies.

Published: March 15, 2016