International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Volume 7, No. 3. IEJEE

Dear IEJEE readers, We, the board of IEJEE, are enthusiastic about publishing a new issue. This enthusiasm has been the same from the first issue. We are not only learning about the scientific knowledge, methods and applications from different kind of countries, but about publishing academic journal. We know that the learning process and the enthusiasm will continue with every issue. Publishing a journal is not just limited to routine work or reviewing/publishing of an article. For instance, IEJEE provides a platform for international collaboration along with being an international journal. This platform leads the readers and the authors of IEJEE to work together in a project or for an article. Therefore, IEJEE plays an inspirational role to improve interdisciplinary and international academic works. This work generally take place in our special issues.

Published: June 15, 2015