International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Volume 10, No. 5. IEJEE

Dear IEJEE Readers,

It is a great pleasure for me to present this Volume 10, Issue 5, of International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE).

Thirty three researchers from seven different countries address several important educational issues like assessment, validation of educational tools, socio emotional well-being, personal and social skills development, empowerment in education, self-directed learning ability, achievement in mathematics, focuses in early childhood education, misconceptions in mathematics teaching, language teaching, reading comprehension, school violence, and parents’ perspectives on the concept of mathematics.

As the readers may noticed, IEJEE continuously tries to improve its technical quality i.e. layout, submission system, peer-reviewing process, accessibility and open access policy.




Kamil Özerk, Professor of Education

Published: July 7, 2018