International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Volume 1, No. 3. IEJEE

Dear IEJEE reader,
You are holding the third issue of volume one of International
Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE), one of the youngest
and most exciting electronic journals focusing on the contemporary issues in
elementary education. Approximately one tenth of today’s world population
has one or another way relationship with elementary education. Different
socio-cultural issues, tough economic challenges and changing policies
around the world affect the educational conditions for elementary students.
Different countries and geographic areas steady are facing different
challenges with regard to their teaching-learning agendas. On the other
hand we are observing a common global interest: All the central and local
educational authorities want to create better teaching conditions for
elementary teachers and better learning conditions for the elementary
students. Another global interest is to have access to research-based
knowledge which has high quality and at the same time is relevant. I
believe that IEJEE is fulfilling an important mission with that regard. I owe
many thanks to all the researchers who have made their contributions to
the previous issues and this third issue of IEJEE. Publishing an
international scientific journal is a demanding job. Without our editorial
board members and guest reviewers, it would be impossible to come so long
in our work.

Published: July 15, 2009