January 8, 2019
| Pages: 201-206 | Views: 5650
The purpose of this study is to examine the language acquisition approaches whose conceptions of language acquisitions are transferred to learning environments through adjustments made on the basis of application methods. The paper also discussed their similarities and differences. Different approaches to language acquisition in various disciplines, different views, and perceptions of it have been developed. There are some approaches completely distinct from others, while there are some others affected by different perspectives. In addition to the language acquisition approaches mentioned above, the paper delineated what literacy skills are and what kind of hierarchical order is followed by the development of these skills. The study, on one hand, deliberated children’s innate abilities and their acquired skills. by examining the reading and writing methods and from which approach they have been affected. The study, on the other hand, summarized the views of Vygotsky, whose contributions to learning in general and language acquisition in particular are better understood today. In brief, this paper discusses and explains the language acquisition approaches and the development process of children’s literacy skills.
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Language Acquisition, Language Acquisition Approaches, Development Of Literacy Skills İn Children
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