April 2, 2018
| Pages: 397-405 | Views: 1359
The purpose of the study is to define the reading comprehension strategies considered by pre-service classroom teachers to be applicable in the classroom and their practical designs related to these strategies in terms of selecting text appropriate strategy, and full and correct use of the strategies in reading process (pre-reading, during-reading, post-reading, whole reading process) in accordance with the conceptual framework defined in the literature. The study has been conducted as a case study which is one of the qualitative research designs. The sampling group has been composed of 140 undergraduate students. Data collected through interviews, have been analysed with the help of document analysis method. Results indicate that pre-service teachers have used almost half of strategies defined as pre-reading strategies in the literature. Among the used strategies, the most repeated ones are guesses by visuals and stimulating prior knowledge. According to another finding of the study, pre-service teachers used only a few of the during-reading strategies defined in the literature. Finally, pre-service teachers designed post-reading strategies the most, and the strategy variation was accordingly the most for post-reading.
Keywords: Reading comprehension strategies, pre-service classroom teachers, activity designs
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Reading comprehension strategies, pre-service classroom teachers, activity designs
Mehmet Aşıkcan
Necmettin Erbakan University
Aliya Kuralbayeva
Khoja Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University
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