January 1, 2025
| Pages: 203-215 | Views: 65
The main purpose of this study is to examine the perceptions of secondary school teachers and students about resistance behaviors. Phenomenological design, one of the qualitative research methods, was used in the study. The participants of the study were 5 teachers working in secondary schools and 10 students studying in secondary schools. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews with teachers and focus group interviews with students. Content analysis was used to analyze the data. As a result of the analysis of the data, the following results were obtained: Teachers see the family as the source of resistance behaviors, but they resort to situations related to improving the learning and teaching process in dealing with resistance behaviors. They also pointed out the importance of teacher attitude in preventing resistance behaviors. Resistance behaviors exhibited by students are divided into two as active and passive resistance. Active resistance behaviors exhibited by students are being constantly angry and resistance to teacher authority. Passive resistance behaviors exhibited by students are reluctant compliance and disinterest during the lesson . Students pointed to teachers, friends and situations related to themselves as sources of resistance behaviors. Teachers' reactions to students' resistance behaviors were divided into two as preventive and authoritative attitudes.
Keywords: Resistance behaviors, constructive resistance, destructive resistance, active resistance, passive resistance
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Resistance behaviors, constructive resistance, destructive resistance, active resistance, passive resistance
Bilge Çam Aktaş
Associate Prof. Dr.
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