January 1, 2025
| Pages: 89-101 | Views: 161
Dyscalculia is a learning difficulty that negatively affects individuals' abilities to understand, apply, and learn mathematical operations. This study aims to explore the wide-ranging impacts of dyscalculia on individuals' lives. The experiences of Nur, an English teacher, are used to examine the effects of dyscalculia on personal, social, academic, professional, and daily life. This study is designed as a qualitative case study. Nine significant stories from Nur's life were obtained through in-depth interviews and analyzed in detail using content analysis methods, focusing on themes, categories, and codes. The findings reveal that dyscalculia significantly affects not only Nur's academic development but also her psychological well-being and overall quality of life. The difficulties in her mathematical skills have led to issues such as lack of self-confidence, social isolation, and challenges in professional skills. The study highlights the importance of early individualized psychoeducational interventions and effective support systems to improve the lives of individuals with dyscalculia. It also emphasizes the critical role of increasing public awareness to create a supportive and inclusive environment for those with math learning difficulties. This study reveals the profound impacts of dyscalculia on individuals' lives and underscores the need for further research in this area. Developing effective intervention and support strategies for individuals with dyscalculia is essential for improving their quality of life and overall well-being. Future research should focus on educational and psychological interventions designed specifically for adults with dyscalculia.
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Dyscalculia,, mathematics learning difficulties, effects of dyscalculia
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