January 1, 2025
| Pages: 25-34 | Views: 79
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teacher education, early childhood, children's voice, trauma, sex education
Margaret Sims
Macquarie University
Marg Rogers
University of New England
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How to Cite
Sims, M., Lawson, M., & Rogers, M. (2025). Silencing Children About ‘Forbidden’ Topics: Discussing Prevention Education in Australian Early Childhood. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 17(1), 25–34. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Margaret Sims
Margaret is a Professor in Early Childhood Education and Care and has worked in the areas of family support and disabilities for many years. She researches in the areas of professionalism in early childhood and higher education, families, disabilities, social justice and families from CaLD backgrounds. She is an Honorary Professor at Macquarie University.
Maggie Lawson
Maggie is a victim/survivor advocate in child maltreatment and sexual violence. Now retired, Maggie worked for many decades as a sexual assault worker and in various other roles supporting victims. Maggie has provided evidence for Royal Commissions about these issues and the Joint Investigation Response Team (JIRT), a program delivered by the Department of Family and Community Services (FACS), the NSW Police Force and NSW Health, providing a coordinated response to children who are alleged to have suffered extreme neglect, serious physical abuse of sexual abuse.
Marg Rogers
Dr Marg Rogers is a Senior Lecturer in Early Childhood Education at UNE. Marg has taught across all areas of education: early childhood, primary, secondary and tertiary. Marg researches marginalised voices within families and education, especially in regional, rural and remote communities. Specifically, she researches ways to support the wellbeing of Defence, Veteran, First Responder and Remote Worker families and early childhood educators. Marg is a Postdoctoral Fellow within the Commonwealth Funded Manna Institute that is building place based research capacity to improve the mental health of regional, rural and remote Australia.