April 11, 2024
| Pages: 377-390 | Views: 699
This research aims to analyze global diversity values present in Indonesian language textbooks for fourth-grade elementary school students. The study employs a qualitative approach with content analysis as the method. The research objects consist of four textbooks published by Erlangga, Yudistira, Bumi Aksara, and Puskurbuk Kemdikbudristek. The analysis process involves selecting relevant material samples, developing analytical categories, coding the content, and interpreting emerging patterns. The research findings indicate that the Indonesian language textbooks for fourth-grade elementary school students provide activities and experiences that enrich their understanding of cultural diversity in Indonesia. Students are taught to develop attitudes of tolerance and intercultural communication, as well as reflection and responsibility towards diversity. These books contribute to shaping students who are inclusive, tolerant, and capable of communicating in a multicultural environment, embodying the values of global diversity character. The importance of fostering global diversity character in primary school students is highlighted through education, particularly using meticulously designed Indonesian language textbooks. These textbooks introduce students to various aspects of Indonesian and other cultures, promoting understanding, appreciation, and tolerance for cultural diversity. Emphasizing character development, the textbooks instruct students in intercultural communication and encourage interactions with culturally diverse peers, fostering effective communication skills for multicultural environments. Furthermore, students are prompted to reflect on their own multicultural experiences, shaping their global perspectives. In summary, Indonesian language textbooks serve as a vital resource in shaping students into inclusive, tolerant individuals proficient in effective communication within multicultural contexts.
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Pancasila Student Profile, Global Diversity, Textbook, Indonesian Language, Elementary School
Enok Sadiah
Universitas Muhammadiyah Prof. Dr. Hamka
Prima Gusti Yanti
University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA
Wini Tarmini
University of Muhammadiyah Prof. DR. HAMKA
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