January 3, 2024
| Pages: 195-206 | Views: 334
In the 2017-2018 academic year, the Ministry of National Education in Turkey initiated an intensive foreign language program targeting fifth-grade students in middle school. This research project, employing a quantitative research design methodology, aims to assess the effectiveness of this program from the perspective of the students. To achieve this objective, the study adopts the CIPP (Context, Input, Process, and Product) evaluation model devised by Stufflebeam. Data were gathered through a comprehensive questionnaire consisting of 31 questions, administered to 208 students attending a secondary school in Diyarbakır, Turkey. Statistical analysis, both descriptive and inferential, was conducted using the SPSS software. The findings revealed a generally positive attitude among students towards the program, with female students exhibiting more favorable opinions than their male counterparts. Additionally, it was observed that fifth and sixth-grade students held more positive views compared to seventh and eighth-grade students. Consequently, the study suggests that some adjustments and refinements may be warranted in the program.
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Program evaluation, foreign language teaching, CIPP model
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