April 11, 2024
| Pages: 311-324 | Views: 432
The aim of the study is to examine the relationship between the humor styles and self-perceptions of primary school 4th grade students and to conduct the validity-reliability study of the humor styles measurement tool. . The study group of the research was carried out with 525 students attending the 4th grade of primary school. “Humor Styles Questionnaire for Young Children” (HSQ-Y) and “Self-Perception Profile for Children” (CIBAP) were used as data collection tools. In the analysis of the research, first of all, the validity-reliability study of the humor styles questionnaire was conducted and the correlational scanning method of the general scanning model, which is one of the quantitative research methods, was used to examine the relationship between humor styles and self-perceptions of primary school students. In the results of the research; The humor styles questionnaire was found to be valid and reliable. In the relationship between; The sub-dimension of the humor styles questionnaire reveals the positive and significant relationship of the "participatory humor style" with all the sub-dimensions of the self-perception profile for children, and the "self-enhancing humor style" with the sub-dimension of "social acceptance". In the study, it was also observed that "aggressive humor style" was negatively related to "educational competence", "behavioral management", "social acceptance" "general self-worth" sub-dimensions, and "self-destructive humor style" was negatively related to "athletic competence" sub-dimensions.
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Humor, humor styles, self, self-perception, late childhood.
Orhan Gazi Yıldırım
Provincial Directorate of National Education
Nezahat Karaca
Afyon Kocatepe Üniversitesi
Fatma Betül Şenol
Afyon Kocatepe University
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