January 3, 2024
| Pages: 143-157 | Views: 675
We explore the multifaceted role of elementary school teachers in implementing classroom-based Movement Integration (MI) to promote physical activity among children. While many factors and barriers can influence the successful execution of MI activities, understanding the nature and use of MI video resources remains unexplored. Therefore, we focus on exploring elementary school teachers’ MI practices and their engagement with MI and identify teachers’ different typologies. The research involved a mixed-methods design, predominantly qualitative, with teachers from a specific demographic. We identified three distinct teacher typologies: High-Engagement Providers (HEPs), Strategic Providers (SPs), and Reluctant Providers (RPs). The HEPs were highly engaged, incorporating multiple MI activities daily and effectively managing student behavior and motivation. Conversely, SPs acknowledged classroom management issues but attributed successful MI implementation to students' self-control and effective routines. However, RPs expressed reservations due to management challenges and potential distractions from academic tasks. Regardless of typology, all teachers accentuated the need for professional development opportunities to improve MI practices. We recommend providing training and support to enhance teacher self-efficacy in implementing MI and addressing challenges. Even though limitations exist regarding participant demographics, our study offers an initial in-depth exploration of teachers’ MI implementation and may pioneer future studies.
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Whole-of-school approach, teacher education, pedagogical practices, health promotion, technology
Jongho Moon
Western Michigan University
Dongwoo Lee
Gwangju National University of Education
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How to Cite
Moon, J., & Lee, D. (2024). Teacher Classifications of Implementing Classroom Movement Integration in Elementary Schools. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 16(2), 143–157. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Dongwoo Lee
Dongwoo Lee, Ph.D.
Department of Physical Education
Gwangju National University of Education
55 Pilmun-daero, Buk-gu,
Gwangju, Republic of Korea, 61204