October 1, 2023
| Pages: 31-42 | Views: 379
The study aimed to reveal the effectiveness of virtual tours to the archaeological sites in Al-Ahsa in developing historical concepts among kindergarten children and to identify the differences between males and females in acquiring historical concepts. To achieve these objectives, a quasi-experimental approach based on one group design was used. The sample of the study consisted of (30) boys and girls between the ages of (5-6) years in the third level in the kindergarten attached to the third elementary school for early childhood in Hofuf in Al-Ahsa Governorate. The pictured historical concepts test was applied after calculating the coefficients of validity and reliability, and virtual tours to the archaeological sites in Al-Ahsa were applied. They included Al-Qarah Mountain, Suq Al-Qaysariyya, Ibrahim Palace, Jawatha Mosque, Al-Amiriya School, Al-Bay’ah House, Al-Uqair Port, and Al-Asfaar Lake in the experimental group. The results showed statistically significant differences at (0.05) between the means of the scores of the experimental group in the pre-and post-applications in the pictured test of historical concepts in favor of the post-application. Also, there was an effect size of virtual tours to archaeological sites on the development of historical concepts among kindergarten children. In addition, the results showed no statistically significant differences at (0.05) between the means of the scores of males and females in the historical concepts test pictured in the post application. The study recommended the inclusion of virtual tours and historical concepts in the self-learning curriculum for kindergarten.
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virtual tours, archaeological sites, historical concepts, kindergarten
Ftimah Sabah abdulaziz Alowais
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