June 6, 2023
| Pages: 333-342 | Views: 856
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parenting styles, emotional control, peer bullying, adolescents
Tina Pirc
Department of psychology, Faculty of Arts, Ljubljana
Sonja Pečjak
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
Anja Podlesek
Department of Psychology, Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana
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How to Cite
Pirc, T., Pečjak, S., Podlesek, A., & Štirn, M. . (2023). Perceived Parenting Styles and Emotional Control as Predictors of Peer Bullying Involvement. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 15(4), 333–342. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Tina Pirc
Department of Psychology, assistant professor
Sonja Pečjak
Department of Psychology, full professor
Anja Podlesek
Department of Psychology, full professor