January 19, 2023
| Pages: 145-159 | Views: 416
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Oral Health Literacy, Nutrition, Health Education, Curriculum, Functional Health Knowledge, Functional Health Literacy
Valerie A. Ubbes
Miami University
Sophia Whitesel
Miami University, Oxford, OH
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How to Cite
Ubbes, V., & Whitesel, S. (2023). Use of an eBook for Oral Health Literacy© Curriculum to Elicit Functional Health Knowledge, Decision Making, and Goal Setting Among School-Aged Children. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 15(2), 145–159. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Valerie A. Ubbes
Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health
Professor Emerita
Sophia Whitesel
Department of Kinesiology, Nutrition, and Health