January 19, 2023
| Pages: 87-96 | Views: 305
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social referencing, ASD, behavior chain
Anna Lubomirska
Institute for Child Development
Sigmund Eldevik
Oslo Metropolitan University
Anna Budzińska
Institute for Child Development, Poland
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How to Cite
Lubomirska, A., Eldevik, S., Eikeseth, S., & Budzińska, A. (2023). Teaching the First Component of Social Referencing to Preschoolers with Autism; Reacting to New and Missing Objects in the Environment. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 15(2), 87–96. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Anna Lubomirska
Sigmund Eldevik
associate professor, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Svein Eikeseth
Professor, Oslo Metropolitan University, Norway
Anna Budzińska
PhD, supervisor, director of Institute for Child Development