International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

A Comparative Analysis of Fraction Addition and Subtraction Contents in the Mathematics Textbooks in the U.S. and South Korea

How to Cite

Hwang, S., Yeo, S. ., & Son, T. . (2021). A Comparative Analysis of Fraction Addition and Subtraction Contents in the Mathematics Textbooks in the U.S. and South Korea. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 13(4). Retrieved from

Author Biography

Sunghwan Hwang

Sunghwan Hwang is an instructor at the Seoul National University of Education. He holds a Ph.D. in mathematics education. His research predominantly focuses on the development of mathematics curriculum and the influence of socio-cultural factors on the development lifespan of elementary students and mathematics teachers. He served as an elementary school teacher in South Korea for more than ten years and has authored several national mathematics textbooks and articles

Sheunghyun Yeo

Sheunghyun Yeo is an Assistant Professor of mathematics education in the Department of Curriculum and Instruction at The University of Alabama. His research examines the development of fractional understanding through the use of dynamic technology, the impact of teacher’s expertise on student’s achievement, the enhancement of pre-service teacher’s high-leverage teaching practices, and international textbook analysis.

Taekwon Son

Taekwon Son is a Ph.D. candidate in mathematics education at the Korea National University of Education. His research focuses on the development and measurement of mathematical thinking through technology, the enhancement of teacher’s professional vision, and the analysis of the international curriculum.