International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

A Pilot study of the Online Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning in Preschool Children: Development of a Direct, Quantitative Measurement Tool

How to Cite

Jacob, L., Dörrenbächer, S., & Perels, F. (2019). A Pilot study of the Online Assessment of Self-Regulated Learning in Preschool Children: Development of a Direct, Quantitative Measurement Tool. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 12(2), 115–126. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Lisa Jacob

Lisa Jacob is a PhD student and her research focusses on self-regulated learning in preschoolers.

Sandra Dörrenbächer

Dr. Sandra Dörrenbächer is a post-doc and worked many years in the Department of Psychology, Development of Language, Learning and Action, Saarland University, Saarbrücken.

Franziska Perels

Prof. Dr. Franzsika Perels has a professorhip for empirical school and edcution research within the department of Educational Science.