December 29, 2019
| Pages: 183-188 | Views: 583
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Physical Education Teacher, Metaphor, Perception, Secondary Education, Physical Education Lesson
Hasan Sözen
School of Physical Education and Sports, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey
Ezel Nur Korur
School of Physical Education and Sports, Ordu University, Ordu, Turkey
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How to Cite
Sözen, H., & Korur, E. N. (2019). “A Physical Education Teacher Is Like…”: Examining Turkish Students’ Perceptions of Physical Education Teachers Through Metaphor Analysis. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 12(2), 183–188. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Ezel Nur Korur
Ezel Nur KORUR
University of Ordu, Ordu,Turkey
Ezel Nur KORUR is a Lecturer in School of Physical Education and Sport at Ordu University (Ordu, Turkey). Her primary research interest includes physical education and sports pedagogy, Ezel Nur KORUR is a PhD student Depertmand of Sports Science and Technology at Hacettepe University (Ankara / Turkey).