Argumentation-based learning is quite important for individuals to gain a place in social life, to adapt themselves to it, to solve the problems they encounter and to make critical and scientific approaches. At this point, it is considered that students would be supported to solve problems efficiently, to establish a cause-effect relationship and to research the scientific ground of a problem by implementing it to social studies course. Therefore, the aim of this research was determined as revealing the effect of argumentation-based learning in the fourth-grade social studies course on the academic achievement, attitude and critical thinking ability of students.
The research was conducted in the academic year of 2017 - 2018 in an elementary school located in the Altınordu district of Ordu province and for the “Humans, Earth and Environment” which is in the curriculum of fourth-grade social studies course. The study group of the research consists of a total of 51 students, 27 students in the experimental group and 24 students in the control group. The research was designed with mixed method. The quantitative part of the research was based on the pre-test post-test control grouped model and the qualitative part of the research was based on the basic qualitative research model. In the research, subject area achievement test, attitude towards the social studies course scale and UF/EMI Critical Thinking Tendency Scale and six activities that were developed in accordance with the argumentation-based learning approach were used as data collection tools. As a result of the research, it was determined that in social studies course in which argumentation-based learning is performed, the levels and qualities of the arguments that were developed by the students showed an increase throughout the research. Furthermore, it was concluded that with the argumentation-based learning in social studies course, positive developments were observed in the academic achievement, attitude towards the social studies course and critical thinking ability of students.
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