International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education

Improving Metacognitive Abilities as an Important Prerequisite for Self-regulated Learning in Preschool Children

How to Cite

Dörr, L., & Perels, F. (2019). Improving Metacognitive Abilities as an Important Prerequisite for Self-regulated Learning in Preschool Children. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 11(5), 449–459. Retrieved from

Author Biography

Lisa Dörr

Lisa Dörr works as a research assistance at the Department of Educational Science,

Saarland University since January 2013. She is graduating with a project of Deutsche

Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) on the subject ‘Early promotion of self-regulated

learning behaviour in pre-schoolers by means of a combination of direct and indirect

interventions’. The initial findings of this study were published in Frühe Bildung (2018) and

Early Child Development and Care (2019).