February 12, 2019
| Pages: I | Views: 236
Dear IEJEE Readers,
The use of digital media, information and communication technologies (ICsT) and other technical tools became a natural part of the new generation of children and youth. We are experiencing rapid advances in ICT. The opportunities and challenges ICTs create for learning in the schools and out of school time are among the contemporary topics of interest for researchers.
In this special issue of International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) many active researchers in their field addressing several issues. They conceptualize new phenomena and processes that the children and youth are involved in their daily life. They addresses their creativity, motivation, collaboration, problem-solving and literacy development while they are involved in media production and utilization.
The papers enrich our media and new technology-related conceptual world. Soloborative learning, solo thinking, collaborative tinkering, asymmetric learning, multi-user virtual environments, computer and information literacy and digital age are some of the examples for emerging concepts in the literature.
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Kamil Özerk
Oslo University
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