December 30, 2017
| Pages: 215-223 | Views: 382
Children who are economically, educationally, linguistically or socially disadvantaged called “disadvantaged children”. Those children are at risk and they must be supported because of their negative life conditions. Compensation studies must be implemented to those children. The “Bir Umut Ol Benim İçin” (Be My Hope) project is such a compensation study which is held by Uludag University Faculty of Education and Bursa Police Department Children Branch Office. The aim of this study is to determine the impact of this project on disadvantaged children’s bullying behaviors. In line with this objective Colorado School Climate Survey, which was developed by Garrity et al., (2000) was used. The questionnaire was designed to measure several aspects of bullying. The analyses of the study showed that the project “Bir Umut Ol Benim İçin” has not caused a positive effect on the bully behaviours. While it was hoped that this project would cause a decrease in bully behaviours of disadvantaged children because it is a compensation study, it is seen that such as studies/projects must be supported with bully proofing and with conflict resolution programs.
Keywords: Disadvantaged children, Bully behaviour, Compensation study, Risk factor.
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Disadvantaged children, Bully behaviour, Compensation study, Risk factor.
Gönül Onur Sezer
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