December 30, 2017
| Pages: 281-285 | Views: 2985
In this study, the effect of writing attitude and writing self-efficacy beliefs on the summarization achievement of the 4th grade primary school students was examined using the structural equation modeling. The study employed the relational survey model. The study group constructed by means of simple random sampling method is comprised of 335 fourth grade primary school students. In the collection of the research data, “Writing Self-efficacy Scale (Güneş, Kuşdemir and Bulut, 2017)”, “Writing Attitude Scale (Can, 2016)” and “Summary Evaluation Form for Narrative Texts” (Bulut, 2013) were used. For the current study, the constructed hypothesis is “writing attitude and writing self-efficacy positively and significantly affect writing achievement” and thus a model was formed. In the analysis of the data, SPSS 22 and AMOS 22.0 program packages were used. As a result of the study, it was found that writing attitude and writing self-efficacy beliefs are highly correlated to each other and writing attitude and writing self-efficacy beliefs directly and significantly affect summary writing.
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Attitude, self-efficacy, writing attitude, writing self-efficacy, summary writing
Pınar Bulut
Gazi University
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