March 23, 2025
| Pages: 289-304 | Views: 17
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Mathematical Skills, Ability Assessment, Achievement Assessment, Latent Profile Analysis, CogAT
Onur Demirkaya
Riverside Insights, Research and Measurement Services, Illinois, USA
Sharon Frey
Riverside Insights, Research and Measurement Services, Illinois, USA
Sid Sharairi
Riverside Insights, Research and Measurement Services, Illinois, USA
JongPil Kim
Riverside Insights, Research and Measurement Services, Illinois, USA
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How to Cite
Demirkaya, O., Frey, S., Sharairi, S., & Kim, J. (2025). Latent Profile Analysis: Comparison of Achievement versus Ability-Derived Subgroups of Mathematical Skills. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 17(2), 289–304. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Onur Demirkaya
Sharon Frey
Principle Research Scientist
Sid Sharairi
Research Scientist
JongPil Kim
Senior Director of Research and Mesurement Services