September 29, 2024
| Pages: 631-643 | Views: 290
The psychological resilience of teachers refers to their capacity to cope with the challenges teachers face and their ability to prevent burnout. Teachers' psychological resilience can help them teach students more effectively and maintain their profession in the long term. To date, studies on teacher resilience have generally focused on teachers' characteristics, socialization, and behavior. However, very few studies investigate teacher resilience and its reflections on education through the relationship between teachers' resilience, students' transformation of educational behaviors into skills, and reading comprehension skills. Henderson and Milsteins’ study (2003) suggests that if teachers, who are the main source of role models in education, lack resilience, it is not a realistic expectation for students to be educationally resilient and indirectly demonstrate educational skills. So this study investigated the relationships between teachers' resilience and students' reading comprehension skills. This study was designed with the relational survey model, one of the quantitative research methods. The relationship between primary school students and their teachers was investigated. Numerical quantities representing the universe were calculated to question the existence of the relationship. In this regard, a total of 761 students and their teachers from the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grades of primary school constitute the participants of the research. A total of 31 classes and their teachers from public and private primary schools were involved in the process. This study found a positive but low-level relationship between teachers' professional resilience and their students' reading comprehension skills. While teacher resilience contributes to students' reading comprehension, its impact is relatively limited, suggesting that other factors also play a significant role in students' academic success.
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Resilience, Reading Comprehension, Teacher-Student Relationship, Primary School
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