September 29, 2024
| Pages: 599-615 | Views: 286
This qualitative research, employing content analysis, aims to achieve two objectives: (1) to examine self-values, which encompass the categories of literacy and environmental assessment, and (2) to explore social peace values, which include the categories of content and environmental literacy assessment. The research data consist of images accompanied by textual elements sourced from Indonesian language textbooks used in grades 5 and 6 of primary schools. These textbooks are published by the Center for Curriculum, Research, and Book Development, which operates directly under the Ministry of Education and Culture, Republic of Indonesia in support of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The findings of the research reveal that (1) the values of oneself include acceptance of conditions, wisdom, adherence to rules, patience, consistency, cleanliness, hard work, creativity, enthusiasm, and hard work. Meanwhile, (2) the values of social peace consist of cooperation, care for the environment and other living beings, togetherness, and respect for others' rights. These two categories are spread across texts of types environmental behavior, knowledge, affect, and cognitive, which are included in the categories of social esteem and sanction. Overall, the findings of this research indicate that the discursive practices within the textbooks aim to shape individuals who are independent and cooperative, with an emphasis on inclusivity, appreciation of diversity, and mutual intercultural respect in fostering environmental peace. The analytical framework developed in this study represents a novel contribution to environmental discourse analysis and can be utilized by future researchers, both locally and globally, to study textbooks. Future research could focus on a lexico-grammatical analysis of engagement and graduation elements, with the aim of deepening understanding and enhancing the delivery of sustainability solutions.
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appraisal theory, environmental literacy, Indonesian language, language textbook, primary school
Ahsani Maulidina
Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Universitas Negeri Malang
Bambang Prastio
Universitas Negeri Malang
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