May 23, 2023
| Pages: 257-265 | Views: 656
Accreditation is typically a voluntary process that involves a thorough evaluation of an organization’s policies, procedures, and practices. Much like a colonoscopy, the evaluation process probes deep and can be uncomfortable. With the discomfort, time, cost, and effort it takes to undergo evaluation for accreditation, the natural question is whether it is worth doing. In this paper, I will review the history of accreditation and the results of systematic literature reviews focused on the impact of accreditation. I will also discuss how accreditation may help provide quality control in behavior analysis and safeguard against service providers’ behaviors being solely shaped by funding sources, such as insurance providers. Lastly, I will provide critical questions consumers can ask to assess accrediting bodies’ transparency, objectivity, and fairness when they are seeking accreditation.
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Ellie Kazemi
California State University
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