May 23, 2023
| Pages: 247-255 | Views: 273
The science of behavior began in the laboratory setting, focusing on the direct measurement of behavior-environment relations. The field of applied behavior analysis (ABA) is relatively new with the first publications in the flagship journal, The Journal of Applied Behavior Analysis, appearing in 1968. Soon the application of the science was applied to the treatment of autism and, due to its tremendous success, the number of professionals claiming to use behavioral procedures increased exponentially. It became obvious that some sort of systemic oversight needed to be created to protect both consumers and practitioners, and difficult questions had to be raised concerning licensure, certification, which was more advantageous to pursue, and with what consequences. The purpose of this paper is to explore the historical roots of behavior analysis and provide commentary and context to the movement of certification up to the current day. Current challenges within the field of ABA will also be reviewed, along with recommendations to ensure that ABA-based intervention in the future is high in quality.
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Anna Linnehan
Endicott College
Mary Jane Weiss
Endicott College
Thomas Zane
University of Kansas
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