May 23, 2023
| Pages: 173-185 | Views: 737
Behavior analysis is the scientific study of behavior. Radical behaviorism is the worldview of behavior analysts and this perspective drives how we think about behavior, assess the influences on behavior, and develop strategies to change behavior. There is evidence that some behavior analysts are using interventions that are not conceptually consistent with foundational principles, which results in using treatments not based on strong scientific evidence of effectiveness, and thus, are less effective and potentially harming the client. The reasons for this drift (from radical behaviorism) could be due to inadequate training in our philosophy, poor supervision, persuasion, and financial contingencies, among others. To maximize positive impact on the consumer, and to stay true to scientific roots, behavior analysts must adhere to the worldview of behavior analysis and radical behaviorism. By doing so, one’s work will be based on science, and thus will protect our science and, more importantly, the consumer.
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Thomas Zane
Department of Applied Behavioral Science University of Kansas
Mary Jane Weiss
Endicott College
Joseph H. Cihon
Endicott College, Autism Partnership Foundation
Ron Leaf
Autism Partnership
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