March 16, 2022
| Pages: 427-440 | Views: 512
Abstract: This study aimed to assess electrophysiologically the effect of an individualised education program supported with musical activities on the success of primary school students who have computational difficulties. In the study, mixed design research was selected as the research model, and qualitative and quantitative research methods were used together. The research study group consists of four students with mild special learning difficulties and learning difficulties in mathematics, among the students attending the 3rd and 4th grades of primary school in the centre of Kütahya province. By examining the primary school mathematics curriculum, 12 mental processing gains were identified for addition and subtraction, one of the 3rd-grade mental processing gains. An assessment form, training module and math songs were prepared in line with these acquisitions. An assessment form was applied to the participants as a pre-test and post-test to determine the effect of the training module and math songs on the students’ success. Additionally, EEG recordings were made to the participants before and after the training module, and math songs were applied for 12 weeks. During the EEG recordings, ten questions were asked to the participants that would enable them to make mental operations. The power densities of the EEG data were calculated using the Welch method in the MATLAB program. For the analysis of the qualitative data of the research, descriptive analysis techniques were used. As a result of the study, when the effects of the evaluation form of the participants’ mental processing skills were examined, it was seen that the training module and math songs positively affected the mental processing skills of the students. In addition, it has been shown that the prepared training module and math songs increase the success of the participants, supported by electrophysiological evaluations.
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Electroencephalography, computational difficulties, mathematics teaching, special learning difficulties, mental operations.
Nurdan Korkmaz
Dumlupınar University
Ozlem Dogan Temur
Dumlupınar University
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