May 18, 2023
| Pages: 605-612 | Views: 366
In the Finnish National Core Curriculum for Basic Education (2014), the conception of language is based on the communal and functional linguistics model of language. From the perspectives of teaching and learning, this requires that learning contexts and pedagogies enable learning in such learning environments, roles, and processes where the pupil can think and act authentically, according to his or her age (OPS 2014, 287). Thus, in this article we examine the integration of subject teaching with topic teaching in the frameworks of sociocultural learning, functional linguistics, and authentic learning, in the contextual-pedagogical learning landscape, where the individuality of learners as well as timely learning support (scaffolding) in the zone of proximal development (Vygotsky 1978) enable the learning of contents as part of multidisciplinary learning. The subject Finnish language and literature is defined as a multidisciplinary, practical, theoretical, and cultural subject (OPS 2014, 160) that requires cooperation with other subjects. The article sheds light on a perspective on multidisciplinary learning, where the topic studied gives meaning to the subject-related contents, and where the ability to acquire the core contents of the subject related to the topic studied form a prerequisite for the processing of the topic.
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functional, socio-cultural, authentic, contectx, pedagogy
Merja Meriläinen
Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
Maarika Piispanen
Kokkola University Consortium Chydenius
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How to Cite
Meriläinen, M., & Piispanen, M. (2023). Context and Pedagogy as Signpoints to Authentic Learning Paths. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education, 14(5), 605–612. Retrieved from
Author Biography
Maarika Piispanen
I work as a university teacher in Kokkola university Consortium Chydenius, in adult teacher training. The main areas of my work in pre-service teacher training studies are linked with the following: pedagogical aspect in pre-primary and primary education, the development of learning in the authentic Contextual-pedagogical environments, individual learning, and well-being in the aspect of art-based methods in elementary school environments. In addition to pre-service teacher training, my interest and responsibilities lies on in-service teacher training, where I concentrate on developing an early foreign language learning model into Finnish basic education. Currently my interests lie on ubiquitous, authentic learning and learning environments as well as education on individual learning, art-based methods, and well-being.