April 28, 2022
| Pages: 501-507 | Views: 298
Early foreign language teaching is a very recent area of teaching in Finland, the policy - makers and teachers play a significant role in creating new kind of learning environments, operating culture, and pedagogy for foreign language learning. This article discusses early foreign language learning landscape in the context of early foreign language learning theory, initial education pedagogy as well as functional foreign language learning. The cornerstone of this study is the Contextual Pedagogical approach to Learning, which creates a bridge between the theory and practice of early foreign language learning, creating an inspiring and stimulating basis for later language learning.
Language is a precondition for learning and thinking. Language is involved in all the activities of the school and every teacher is a language teacher “(the Finnish National Board of Education 2014, 127). In this article we focus on this idea, which rises from the core national curriculum. We attempt to explain the learning environments of language teaching, operational culture, and pedagogical solutions within the theoretical frame of reference of learning another language. The challenges, which are directed to the learning environments, have become still more demanding in today's rapidly changing world.
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Early Foreign Language Learning, Functional Language Learning, Learning Environments, Contextual-Pedagogical Approach to Learning
Maarika Piispanen
university teacher
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