August 23, 2017
| Pages: 373-384 | Views: 283
Employing a randomized control group design, this study compared the efficacy of staff training using theory training, hands-on supervision and a self-instructional teaching manual. Participants were 12 undergraduate, health or social-work students. Initially, participants were given a three-hour lecture, and as a result, staff-participants increased their use of correct teaching procedures, but not to mastery. Participants in both groups continued to increase their teaching skills after intervention with either hands-on training or the self-instructional manual, though best effect was achieved with hands-on supervision. This effect was maintained at a two-month follow-up. At the end of the experiment, participants in the treatment manual group received hands-on supervision. As a result, their performances increased to the same levels as the participants in the hands-on supervision group. Hence, hands-on supervision was superior in increasing teaching performances. Participants receiving hands-on supervision reported that they were comfortable receiving this type of supervision, that the hands-on supervision was the best way to learn correct teaching procedures and that they would prefer hands-on supervision in a future job situation. Also, independent assessors rated hands-on supervision as the most suitable intervention.
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Staff training, Supervision, Treatment manual, Hands-on supervision
Linda Teikari Hatlenes
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway
Svein Eikeseth
Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied Sciences, Norway
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