Shared reading, in which children acquire new experiences in the field of lanugage, is one of the fundamental instructional practices that facilitate the development of literacy skills in children from an early age. This descriptive and holistic case study aims to investigate the SR practices carried out in the Primary 1st Grade literacy studies. The subject of the study is a child with hearing loss that receives auditory-oral education. Data in this study have been collected through the educational program, classroom observations, documents, the records of the validity and reliability committee, process products and the researcher’s log. During the analysis of the data,the educational program and the process products have been examined, observation sessions of shared reading practices have been documented, and prominent findings have been identified. It could be safely claimed, in accordance with the findings of this study, that the features of the story book, the literacy strategies applied during SR practices and the follow-up acitivities contribute significantly to the benefits of shared reading practices.
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