January 29, 2020
| Pages: I | Views: 163
Dear IEJEE Readers,
It is a great pleasure for me to present this special issue of International Electronic Journal of Elementary Education (IEJEE) for you. The special issue editors Drs Sandoval-Gomez, Cosier and Cardinal are active researchers at the Chapman University, Attallah College of Educational Studies, Thompson Policy Institute on Disability (TPI), CA. USA.
I have been lucky to spend two years at TPI at Chapman University. I have been witness to their research and dissemination efforts. The way they collaborate with several agencies, other universities and institutions, and their approaches to present their research findings to broader public, educationists, and decision makers are impressing. TPI’s annual ‘Disability Summit’ at Chapman University is a quality arrangement by the involved researchers.
Inclusion, transition and equity are not only topics for their research. They are values that guide their approaches to educational planning for children with special needs. Their perspectives cover individual, local and societal level. TPI strives to impact policy by reducing barriers limiting access to learning, living and working, and the pursuit of a complete and quality life.
Thompson Policy Institute, Chapman University is located in California, but their research get also attention from other states and countries. Their research are focusing on ‘weak groups’ with strong values and hard data. They show us an alternative path for taking care of, creating opportunities for and utilizing the resources that the children and adolescents with (dis-) ability represent.
I admire the work they do and their contribution to the field by this special issue. Thanks to all contributors and the editorial coordinators and technical staff of IEJEE.
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Kamil Özerk
University of Oslo
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