Editorial Team
Editor in Chief
Kamil ÖZERK, University of Oslo, Norway
Professor of Education at the University of Oslo, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Oslo, Norway. His researches focus on school-based learning, bilingualism, language revitalization, language policy in education, diversity, curriculum studies, classroom research, reading, and autism.
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +47-22855347
Gökhan ÖZSOY, Ordu University, Turkey
Gökhan Özsoy is a Professor of Primary Education and Head of Department at University of Ordu, Turkey. Prof. Dr. Özsoy specializes in primary teacher education, metacognition, mathematical problem solving, and primary mathematics education.
e-mail: [email protected] / [email protected]
phone: +90 452 2265200 / 5616
Karen M. ZABRUCKY, Georgia State University, United States
Karen M. Zabrucky is a Professor of Educational Psychology at Georgia State University. Her academic background includes a Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Sociology, a Master's degree and Ph.D. in Experimental Psychology, and a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Applied Cognitive Psychology. Her research interests include text comprehension and memory, meta comprehension, and memory in the real world.
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 404-413-8040
Kathy HALL, University College Cork, Ireland
Kathy Hall is Professor of Education and Head of School. Previous appointments include Professor of Education at The Open University, Professor of Childhood Education at Leeds Metropolitan University, and Senior Lecturer in Education at Christ Church, Canterbury. Prior to her work in higher education, she had the roles of class teacher, deputy principal, principal. Her research seeks to develop a sociocultural understanding of learning and pedagogy and she has published widely in these areas
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: +353-21-490-2798
Annemie DESOETE, Ghent University, Arteveldehogeschool, Sig, Belgium
Dr. Annemie Desoete is a senior researcher at Ghent University and at University College Arteveldehogeschool. Her interests include the study of learning disabilities, metacognition, executive functions, and comorbidity.
e-mail: [email protected]
phone: 32 (0)9 264 86 26
Özlem Doğan Temur, Dumlupinar University, Turkey
Associate Professor at Dumlupinar University, Faculty of Education, Department of Elementary Education, Turkey. Her researches focus on teaching early algebra, geometry, multiple intelligence, mathematical modeling, and problem-solving.
e-mail: [email protected]
Phone: +90 274 2652031
Advisory Board
Bracha KRAMARSKI, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Collin Robert BOYLAN, Charles Sturt University, Australia
Dawn Hamlin, SUNY, Oneonta, USA
David Warwick WHITEHEAD, The University of Waikato, New Zealand
Isabel KILLORAN, York University, Canada
Janelle Patricia YOUNG, Australian Catholic University, Australia
Janet ALLEN, The University of Oklahoma, USA
Jeanne Rolin-Ianziti, The University of Queensland, Australia
Kouider MOKHTARI, Iowa State University, USA
Lloyd H. BARROW, University of Missouri, USA
Lori G. WILFONG, Kent State University, USA
Maria Lourdes DIONISIO, University of Minho, Portugal
Maribel GARATE, Gallaudet University, USA
Marg ROGERS, University of New England, Australia
Peter JOONG, Nipissing University, Canada
Ruth REYNOLDS, University of Newcastle, Australia
Therese Marie CUMMING, University of New South Wales, Australia
Wendy HARRIOTT, Monmouth University, USA